
Олег Ефремов Bill & Coin


Blog Piece 2 – January 15, 2016

Hello All!

Let’s make 2016 your healthiest and happiest year yet! Just know that you cannot start a new workout with an old mindset. You have to renew your mind to a new way of eating (nutritiously). And you have to change your daily way of life. That may mean going to bed earlier or waking up earlier to fit in one of the most important elements in your new rourtine–your new workout program. Romans 12:2 NIV says ”Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” You will notice that when you start your workout program by joining a gym or signing up with a personal trainer, every area of your life will become more organized and energized!

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Blog Piece 1 – January 8th, 2016

Happy New Year Everyone!! Happy Sweet 2016!


1. Invest in yourself- by signing up with a gym and/or personal trainer. Some say they cannot afford a personal trainer. If you buy clothes weekly or get your hair done every 1-2 weeks, then you can afford a personal trainer. For all my ladies– your health and embracing your beautiful, tight body is more important than being overweight, squeezing into clothes too tight and buying weaves that cost too much. Being in that position will only make you insecure and depressed. Gentlemen—if you are buying new sneakers every other week, you can afford a personal trainer. Reset your budget and spend less on clothes and hair and get a personal trainer and/or join a gym. Make sure that the trainer is certified and has at least 2 years of experience personal training.

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